Finders Course
As Facilitated by Sequoia & Joseph


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FAQ WEBINAR  with Sequoia & Joseph

WEBINAR DATE:  September 26th @  4PM PST
​(Pacific Time USA)

NOTICE: We are offering a free Webinar to cover informaton about the Finders Course. 
Click Above for both the Webinar Interest as well as Interest in Finders Course 18.

Presenters and Facilitators
  1. Sequoia Star
    Group Facilitator Finders Course Cohort FC10 Alumni Consultant Team Role: Teacher and Facilitator Sequoia is motivated in service to passing on this incredible course for all the impact that it has on wellbeing and awareness in people. When Sequoia took FC10 she didn't know what to expect. What she got was a sense of trust and of being directed to take FC and she is glad on so many levels that she trusted that intuition. For her, the experience is of deepening the Knowing of True Identity, which has manifested in myriad powerful ways. Most important is the Community. And that the Community growing! as a place to share this Knowing with others. The real development of a "tribe," has truly been a most powerful experience. She reports, I never have known a group of people where I fit in so comfortably and completely. Sequoia loves facilitating because for her it is an honor and a gift to support and be witness to other's discovery of Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience and increased well-being. She is very happy to be a part of so many wonderful things taking place during the weekly small-group meetings where realizations are shared and embraced, resulting in a strongly bonded group.
  2. Joseph Robinson
    Group Facilitator Finders Course Cohort FC5 Alumni Guide Team Role: Teacher/Facilitator as well as Poet, and Mischief Maker Joseph has made a vow to bring compassion and understanding to everything and everyone he's connected with. When Joseph took FC #5, he was a true seeker. He had some amazing experiences and shifts during mediation and other explorations, but there was still a longing that drove him to a random description of the FC in a blog where he was inspired to sign up. For Joseph, the experience of being in deep service to our world and all in it fuels the intent to share and facilitate the course as part of his broader teaching and writings. The community is an amazing collection of very wonderful people. From backgrounds and deep work in ways that constantly inspire. I love facilitating the course and it is my life's calling to build groups and be witness to the flowering of their deep intentions and desires for wellbeing and peace. "Happiness, love, fearlessness, and deep compassion are innate in us," says Joseph, "this simple course helps us grow more aware of it every day." He believes it is a sheer joy to be a part of it and work with others in being "finders!"
  3. Dr. Jeffery Martin
    Finders Course Online Video Facilitator Research Professor, Director Transformative Technology Lab Team Role: Chief Scientist and Study Director Dr. Jeffery A. Martin is a professor, founder of the Transformative Technology space, serial entrepreneur and social scientist who researches personal transformation and the states of greatest human well-being. He spent the last 10 years conducting the largest international study on persistent non-symbolic experience (PNSE). More recently, he has used this research to make systems available to help people obtain profound psychological benefits in a rapid, secular, reliable, and safe way. Note: Jeffery will not be presenting at the Webinar. The method of Finders Course is via online videos and Dr. Martin will not be presenting these live and in person.
  1. What is the Finders Course?
    What is the Finders Course?
    The Finders Course is the first universally effective course that helps people transition to high levels of mental and emotional wellbeing rapidly, safely, and reliably. EFFECTIVE: Over 70% of people who complete the course transition to ongoing non-symbolic experience (an academic term for higher-states of consciousness such as: enlightenment, nonduality, unity consciousness, and so on). SCIENTIFIC and DEEPLY TRANSFORMATIVE: The course is 100% secular and built on data from the world’s largest scientific research project in this area, which included over 1,200 participants on 6 continents. HOW?: The program is an incredibly sophisticated mix of positive psychology, age old techniques, and modern innovations - sequenced in a precise way based on over a decade of scientific research. Some techniques are well known and others are less renown but incredibly effective. Even if you’ve tried some of these techniques over the years, it unlikely that you've experienced our versions of them or even been exposed to most of the methods in the program. Based on our research, the most popular methods have been slightly modified to be much more impactful for a broader group of people and experiences . The methods themselves are sequenced in a highly precise way that makes each more effective than when they are used alone and in other contexts. HOW LONG?: It is important to know what you are signing up for: 18 weeks of commitment to practice a minimum 1-2.5 hours every day, maybe even more if you're super motivated. Tests and Measures: You take several hours of inbound and outbound gold-standard online psychology testing. Hours are spent doing assessments on your self and surveys you share with others. You complete an this survey at the end of every session (generally weekly) to keep track of your progress.
  2. Why is the Finders Course different than other courses?
    Why is the Finders Course different than other courses?
    The Finders Course solves these issues with mediation courses in general: SEARCH – There are thousands of methods, and some are more effective than others. We solve your “search” problem by assembling the most effective techniques in one framework. The original research study revealed which methods produced the best results. FIT – Different techniques work for different people. The wrong technique means little to no progress. Fit is essential. We teach you the best techniques and how to optimize their effectiveness for you. You will graduate having experienced different practices for awakening, and will come away with a good idea of what works for you. TUNING – Techniques shift over time. You need to know what to do when this happens. We help you know when to mix, match, or move on. HABIT – Finding time to meditate and making it a habit is hard...especially if you are brand new to meditating. We provide precise structure, group support, and weekly measurement. After our course is complete, you’ve learned to make meditation fit into your day-to-day life. WHY DOES IT WORK SO WELL? The timing and sequence of techniques and practices. The practice time commitment and focus. The group activities and support. The sequence of positive psychology techniques to prime the mind for awakening and help prevent a dark night experience. The overall structure that helps to keep you from skipping activities when you might be tempted to slack off for a day or two. Experience support when you need it. EVERYONE GETS: Post Course Forum, Community Access and advanced methods and programs await you for it all to stick. Our Motto: "NO ONE LEFT BEHIND!"
  3. Important Facts and Questions:
    IS THE FINDERS COURSE FOR BEGINNERS? Yes, anyone without psychological issues can take the course as the Finders Course protocol was designed to be accessible to everyone. In addition, the Finders Course protocol includes a wide variety of techniques. Most people have only tried 1-2 techniques so in FC most people are a beginner at some point in the course. What is Ongoing and Persistent forms Non-Symbolic Experience (ONE/PNSE)? ~ A fundamental sense of wellbeing and that things are okay, regardless of life situation. ~ Reduced or eliminated negative mental chatter. ~ Freedom from thoughts impacting mood. ~ Increased focus on the present, rather than painful pasts and anxious futures. ~ Increased mental capacity, decision making and problem solving. ~ Deep sense of connectedness and greater sense of being in flow (Deeper overview further below). WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE? People interested in Meditation. People interested in Quantified Self. People interested in observing the bio-effects effects of meditation. People interested in lowering stress and anxiety. People interested in transitioning to ONE/PNSE. WHAT IS THE COURSE LIKE? New instruction comes via video twice per week initially, then once per week. This is NOT a self paced course. You are taking the course with a cohort and will be on a very fast, very demanding schedule. Group sessions: You'll have weekly sessions online with your practice group. 1st two weeks is intense. You are invited to an hour of a daily meditation practice plus the surveys, writing, assignments and measures. You be assigned a group after the course begins. You will meet on Sunday with 3 to 6 others. Groups are one of the students' favorite elements of the class.
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